Monday, November 3, 2008

The Art Of Travel

...The Art Of Travel Is To Deviate From One's Plans...

WHAT an amazing movie...
Well.. maybe the movie itself wasn't all that amazing.. but what it did to me was amazing,... the feelings and images and dreams that it evoked within me..

the movie was shot in 5 countries in 6 weeks with under $400,000 budget but STILL managed to shoot ON LOCATION everywhere...
Conner dumps his fiancée at the altar (quite a way to leave her too!) and leaves for his honeymoon, Nicaragua where he gets robbed and then runs into a couple with the promise of exotic adventure and hard work. Conner goes along with them and with other random vagabonds machete and chop their way through the Darien Gap, creating the first road through the seemingly unpassable stretch of jungle. Conner travels on with his new girl.. to Peru and Bolivia.. learning lessons that years of schooling could never teach a person..

"I think back and ask myself a deeper question.. Why NOT me? Why should I be immune to the lessons life has to offer. I think life is all about how you let the bad days change you and what you take out of the experience."

HA! the ending made me laugh.. I love practical jokes :)

makes me want to go back to Ecuador..
whacking the vines with a machete.. the veiw of the Amazon-layers of green going on for as far as the eye can see... a much simpler way of living..

it awakens my wanderlust

and to have someone to travel with..

Definitely a movie for dreamers.. travelers... :)

AND they sing Rainbow Connection!!!
LOVE that song!!


Me.. playing around with the computer camera! :)

KALE! Performing Cabin Olympics.. consisting of them jumping over the railing of the bed and tumbling onto the bed in various different ways..

Zack.. after attempting Cabin Olympics... (:

At our first campsite in Harpers Ferry.. I LOVE the leaves... soo pretty! :)

All of the boys standing in front of the Capital Building..

Me, being transfixed by this crazy trippy wall at the Smithsonian.. The colors were all moving and swirly and 3D and coming out at me..

My boys and I... we found this amazingly fun seat in the middle of the Smithsonian.. somewhere with a lot of skeletons.. I was bored and haunted by the skeletons so I sat down and soon all the boys were seated around it with me... and so.. Zack too the camera and SNAPPED!

Movieeeee and update..

Feast of Love

A movie I want to see...

< There is a story about the Greek Gods; they were bored so they invented human beings, but they were still bored so they invented love, then they weren't bored any longer. So they decided to try love for themselves. And finally, they invented laughter, so they could stand it. >

Morgan Freeman is the best narrator.. I LOVE his smooth, soothing yet confident and all knowing voice..
AND it takes place in Portland, Oregon..

ON another note..
i went to a job interview today
at a preschool
Although I was highly disappointed in the preschool... too confining.. no freedom for me to do what I need or want to do with my kids.. they offered me the job straight away.
I denied.
As i was walking out, I struck up a conversation with a cleaning lady. I explained that I had just graduated from University of Alabama, Early Childhood Education. She looked at me sympathetically...
"Oh honey... You shouldn't subject yourself to places like this. You can do so much better. Go on where you belong. You don't belong here. I can tell. You are a free spirit. Go on and be free where you need to be. But I don't want to see you around here-OR any place like this again..."
It provided me with lots to think about..

I still don't know what I want..
and am scared to know..
Looking tenatively at places to live in Asheville, but chicken out in terms of going to check them out. I love where I am at, though I know deep down I know I will LOVE it even more in Asheville, surrounded by a lot more to offer...
but i dont want to leave a lot of things here..
Express Yourself Studio and Carina.. she needs me... she nearly begged me to stay working with her, offering me a raise and more days.,,,
The cottage.. it is MINE.. I get this sense of relief and peace when i walk in the door.. but no one ever really comes to visit.. so i get lonely
JP.. he doesnt know what he is doing either... we mentioned going to Oregon... but that was just silly talk.. we mentioned him coming with me to Seattle.,.. but that was silly talk.. thats all it is.. silly talk.. about nothing that will be

Oh well..
time will tell what will happen..
what is supposed to happen will happen..