Friday, December 26, 2008

car ride thoughts,, The Beach.. travels..

Just say yes
Never turn down an invitation
Be ope for adventures
Keep your mind open
Don’t go travel just to stay in aplace wehre you can get all the same comforts of home
That’s NOT the point of traveling…
WHY travel if you are just going to treat yourself as though you were at home? Whats the point in that?
Talk to your neighbors
Talk to who your sitting next to..
It may lead you off on an adveture…
You don’t even need to travel to do things like that..
Just talk to the person in line next to you.. strike up a conversation with a stranger…
Approach people you don’t know as vehicles of knowledge.
Believe in things not seen.. Listen to your heart.. listen to your soul-not necessarily other people
Do what first comes to you… usually that is the right way.. the right answer..
It is when you hesitate.. second guess yourself… that you begin to wander into the realms of disbeleif.. in yourself..
You are the one you have to live with the rest of your life
So, you need to learn to live with yourslef first.. believe in yourself first.. love yourself
You are the author of your own autobiography.. only you can dictate what happens.. where to go..

The key to traveling is to do it with other people.. find a partner.. or a group of people.. people you can trust.. who have certain skills like guitar playing or giving good hugs or knowing the area or how to build a fire or speaking the same language… people you can laugh with.. play with.. joke with.. pick up boys (girls) with.. or just someone you can sleep with, although that would make me nervous because I would be nervous he would want to take advantage of hott girls from different countries.. and I don’t want to face that heartbreak

The movie, THE BEACH,
I watch it over and over.. wanting that.. wishing I could just pick up and travel for a long time like that.. make friends along the way.. learn tips and tricks along the way.. have a drink or a smoke with a not so stranger..
I REALLY think that their litle community on the island is amazing… multiculutural.. self sustaining.. with Austrailians, Britians, French, German, American, etc…. living together.. working together.. learning each other.. teaching each other..drinking and playing together..
A boy with hair.. hair I can run my hands through… somewhat shaggy.. somewhat unkempt.. I don’t like those preps with upturned collars and perfect bodies. In fact I am not a fan at all of muscles and musclemen. Icky
I want someone to eat cheese with.. someone to eat bread with.. someone to sit around with and watch a movie or tv occasionaly.. but also spontaneous and somewhat dangerous thrills to keep me entertained..