Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thirsty Monk~

Ummm;/..... yea
had some fun tonight.. MADE myself go out (with additional help and prompting-thank you Trent)
rather crazy drive there... mixed some pineapple rum in with my can of diet Mt Dew.. and then had 2 puffs.. i was FREAKING out in the drivers seat.. it all felt like some surreal video game.. and the lights messed with my head.. twinkling and streaking around in front of me..
Zack took over.. thank goodness...
We went to sushi.. i stared at the twinkling stars on the ceiling the whole time.. transfixed by their magic hold on me.. and ate a bag of KettleKorn i bought for 75cents at Mast General store while Zack ate oysters and steak and Heather had some tofu and noodle concoction.. and i ate the popcorn with chopsticks.. and then put them in my hair for some added flair (not that i needed much more)
to Thirsty Monk... walking down the ramp to the downstairs.. it feels like you are descending into a dungeon with the rocky stone walls and steep stairs.. and it got darker and darker as you went further.. QUITE the variety of beers.. availability changes quite often so theres often a new menu out.. with descriptions of the taste and the alcohol content ,,
i HATE beer.. icky.. but i tested out others.. and cringed EVERY time.. nope not for me..
we ended up playing with Play dough, building castles out of various empty glasses around the table and the coasters they so politely left at our table (we didnt use them for their correct purpose..) etc. etc.

I wanted SO badly this.. i NEEDEd so badly this..
to be with people.. to chill.. to be talked to.. to not be ignored..

now im hungry..