Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Fun Links and Animal Mating Calls..

Do NOT pass these up!!

1. Why it would rule to date a unicorn

among other things.. They Fart Glitter... Free Sleigh Rides...

2. Why you shouldn't date a tyrannosaurs rex

...You cant hold hands.. couples photos never turn out too well..

3. How To Turn Your Car Inoto an Unstoppable Murder Machine

-..only 8 Easy Steps!!!

. Strange Mating Calls
..oooh wow.. (i am also posting all of them on here...

-Bird of Paradise-
ohh man... watch this WHOLE thing because the last 30 seconds.. im speechless..

I agree.. if i heard this out in the wild i would FLIP OUT... pee my pants.. or cling to the nearest person

sounds eerie.. (the last minute and a half are not interesting.. so you can stop at 1:40)..

FOGHORN!!!! or like that dude from seaseme street that bonks his nose to talk!!

MOONWALK!! . "the only known case of a bird moonwalking" he aint got NOTHIN on Michael Jackson..

-Leopard Slug-
here is no "embed" link.. so i have to post the link.. you have to click.. and you have to watch! (
ii do hate the sound of all the slimy.. winding and dancing around each other.. eating each others slime.. sliding down on a rope of mucus... its quite romantic and all.. but also sightly nauseating..