Wednesday, June 25, 2008

i want to go ii want to go i want to go why cant i go i want to go i want to go i want to go.


look at all these beds!
I like them.. cannot chose a favorite though... they all have their good points.. but i like the round hangy one :)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Art Time!~

I love paint. Little George and Kyle attacked me with paint.. i let them .. it was fun :) They got paint all over in m hair and dress and legs and arms and everywhere.. even on my face!
The morning kids were roWdy.. running all over the place.. forgetting what they were doing and getting distracted by new things they saw out of the corner of their eye.. more ADD than me .. dumping the entire continer of paint or glue or glitter (these are 10, 11, 12 year olds) Then rush off to serve lunch quickly munch down some salad and a few leftover potato wedges.. and then sweep and clean and put away then dash off to the art room where i got bombarded by paint and fun times... then came the next batch of kids and we continued the fun.. painting the walls and boxes and tables and playing clue and daring each other to run out into the rain with the big fat raindrops.. then off to help with dinner again.. wishing i could have a cake.. just for the icing.. instead i settled on a scoop of peas with honey and then sweep and clean and then down to the pool only to be tossed in by MIKE~!~ and then having kids latch onto me like leeches and i twist away and swim away and become a shark and grab and tickle their feet and NOW.. here i am... Listening to Disney music and wondering what music i should have ready for the next kids...
The first group listened to T-Pains "Buy you a drink" 6 times until we banned it..

And still missing Kevin like crazy..
Still wondering where i will be after the summer lets out..
still enjoying the delicious summer as much as i can.. soaking up kiddo love..

Sunday, June 15, 2008

songs of the summer

"Apple Bottom Jeans" T-Pain
This is a song we listen to in the car to get pumped up for the night... It is kinda fun.. im not gonna lie... im addicted... though i never heard it before a couple of days ago...

"Cyclone" by Baby Bash and TPain..
Another song to represent this summer...


These next 2 months are going to be sooo long. I know what is waiting for me and i want it now.
I am working on being patient.
Now.. its not SOOOooo bad because the kids are here now and i can entertain myself by going with them to the pond or the pool or playing soccer or cards or throwing paint around or making things in the art room... its the evenings when it hits hardest.. the whole sleeping alone thing.. the whole no hugs thing.. the whole no Kevin thing..
I also am not sure where we will be at the end of this summer... Perhaps Tuscaloosa... or Marietta.. Kevin has a job there if he should choose to move there... Emily found a house here for 450 a month with 1-3 rooms.. that may have potential but it is too far away for Kevin.. though he hasnt necessarily ruled it out yet.
PLUS! I have no job anywhere... im still up in the air about all of that.. which is why i sound hesitant a lot when i consider the future.. i know it will include Kevin.. and the job will include kids and art or animals...

Joe showed me yesterday... it made me laugh sooo hard!! i shall share it with you all..

It is the most amazing thing.. these kids.. many of them are returnees and i have gotten soo many big huge hugs and screams of delight "MISS PENNY!! YOU'RE HERE!! IM SO GLAD YOU ARE HERE!"
In fact.. Kevin has some competition with a couple of the younger ones.. two 9 year olds..they give me the dazy glazy eyes and constantly talk to me and are soo soo sooo polite and when i serve food to them they dont move on in the line.. they just stand there in front of me with their plate staring long after i serve them the food.. the people in line behind have to move them along.. i
Lots of stress.. in terms of other people informing me of something that i need to do
We have also had a couple of attempts to run away... to the hobo renegade.. they didnt make it too far... got out of breath...
but yet,.. despite all of this ... i still have deep sad pockets.. where not much can cheer me up.. cuz the one thing i want i cannot have .. atleast not yet... I love you Kevin..
Art Supples come in soon.. also the tye dye supplies...

Staff training has been fun... going out a lot of the nights and I had my first Appletini!!! soo yummy .. like green sour patch kids... and Malibu and Pineapple is my other drink of choice.. though drinking is not the same without Kevin.. Mellow Mushrooms and Sushi.. i dont order food but mooch off others when they dont finish.. mostly because i am not hungry.. or all i want is the pizza crust.. or i dont have the money to buy both..
IJ FACT.. That Appletini i had led me on an adventure with Erin and Kelsey.. we decided we wanted peircings (they had had one too) and we walked off from the rest of the group.. we were SOO sure that we would find this tattoo place... but we were a tad out of it.. we never found it.. but i called the place at least 6 times and talked to Harrison as he tried to direct us to the tattoo parlor but it got late and they were going to close and we were lost and tired of walking and people were honking at us.. so we gave up, sat down, and waited for Scott and Emily and Adam to pick us up in the parking lot of AutoZone.. I am glad that none of those cars stopped cuz i sooo would have tried to make friends..
Long days of playing with little Lauren (the nurses daughter-5) and Gable (the mangers son-8) and little George (the nurses son 14) and Kyle (lives down the street-14) and we have water gun fights and shoot off rocket launchers and look at tattoos online and now Kyle and George and Molly (the intern-16) work in the kitcheb and serve the food and clean the food and put away it all and sweep with the music blasitng in the background.. then i run off and visit all the cabins.. but once again i cannot escape the emptiness
Anyway. "
I need to head out now and make more round.. perhaps join the pool party.. that is if it doesnt rain..

Monday, June 2, 2008


anyopne out there anymore ?