Sunday, September 26, 2010

I keep swinging back and forth between being discouraged that i dont have a job... and no prospects..
to telling myself to enjoy what i have while i have it
I mean.. not many people are able to live in Florida.. on the beach!
but I cant keep it up if i dont have any money coming in
but then again i only got here Thursday.. started applying to places Thursday..
and Friday
and now it the weekend
so there is still hope i guess...
its just the more time stretches on, the more frustrated i get. until i remind myself of reality... its the weekend.. no one is going to hire or even look at their email on the weekend.. weekend is for play.. so ENJOY MYSELF..

I just want confirmation that we will have money coming in.. the promise ofsuch thing.. so that I can buy some actual food rather than live off ramen noodles and our dwindling coupons for free slurpees from 7-11

our time will come