Monday, November 3, 2008

The Art Of Travel

...The Art Of Travel Is To Deviate From One's Plans...

WHAT an amazing movie...
Well.. maybe the movie itself wasn't all that amazing.. but what it did to me was amazing,... the feelings and images and dreams that it evoked within me..

the movie was shot in 5 countries in 6 weeks with under $400,000 budget but STILL managed to shoot ON LOCATION everywhere...
Conner dumps his fiancée at the altar (quite a way to leave her too!) and leaves for his honeymoon, Nicaragua where he gets robbed and then runs into a couple with the promise of exotic adventure and hard work. Conner goes along with them and with other random vagabonds machete and chop their way through the Darien Gap, creating the first road through the seemingly unpassable stretch of jungle. Conner travels on with his new girl.. to Peru and Bolivia.. learning lessons that years of schooling could never teach a person..

"I think back and ask myself a deeper question.. Why NOT me? Why should I be immune to the lessons life has to offer. I think life is all about how you let the bad days change you and what you take out of the experience."

HA! the ending made me laugh.. I love practical jokes :)

makes me want to go back to Ecuador..
whacking the vines with a machete.. the veiw of the Amazon-layers of green going on for as far as the eye can see... a much simpler way of living..

it awakens my wanderlust

and to have someone to travel with..

Definitely a movie for dreamers.. travelers... :)

AND they sing Rainbow Connection!!!
LOVE that song!!