Monday, December 21, 2009

Today was no good
YMCA was busy with kids being let out of hte house for the first time in 3 days.. lots of fights and non sharing and wildness.. then to URgent care for a physical only to learn there was a 3 hour wait.. so i went to the health center to get the TB test checked off saying that i was good.. no TB for me.. BACK to Urgent Care.. waited 2 hours.. only to learn that they couldn't sign the papers because when i got the card/result from the TB test the lady forgot to date it.. so i have to go ?BACK to the health center tomorrow.. get them to sign off on the date.. go BACK to Urgent care.. have them complete the physical papers.. then back to Head Start to turn in all the papers and complete whatever else they need.. then to work at 3:30..
I was supposed to wrok at noon tomorrow but the girl called, asking if she could take my shift since i took her shift saturday cuz she couldnt get her car out of her driveway due to snow.. at first i said no.. I DO need the money. and then i felt horrible.. so i said she could do noon-3:30..
and then i wandered down to the grocery store to buy laundry detergent.. only to get a call from some lawyers of JP's.. I had to pay a bill for him a couple weeks ago.. but it turns out i read the numbers on the check wrong.. so the check got sent back to them.. so i had to re-read the numbers.. realized that YEs INDEED I AM DySLEXIC.. mistaking a 1 for a 6.. only to learn that they and to add on $40 for the bounced check.. I burst into hysterical tears in the store.. and walked home defeated in the chilly night air..
plus got the electric bill for $85.. and had to pay $50 for the physical plus $15 for the TB test..
money goes down the drain quite quickly
and its getting to me
now am doing my laundry in the machines in the building for $1.25 to wash and 1.75 to dry..
down down down
emotionally.. financially
when is this going to start going uphill? or at least level out?