Thursday, May 7, 2009

the time warp thing... i was going to say what time i did. but it was 2 different times.. MY time.. and SEATTLE time..
It was 9:20 Seattle time.. 12:20 MY time..
i was exhausted.. not having slept much the night before.. talking with HIM.. etc..

the flights were uneventful for the most part.. except for me being scared i wasnt going to make the last one due to the 40 minute layover.. but i did.. cuz the flight before it rolled in 15 minutes early.. and DESPITE the fact i had to book it from one terminal to another (with 2 inbetween) I made it with time to spare.. though my luggage didnt
My luggage went somewhere else..
I was so tired.. a sleepy-psyched to couchsurf for the first official time with potential new roomie.. ready to open my life to new possibilities.. assuring myself that riding the buses from 10-11:20 at night was fine nad the most that would happen would i would get to tell stories of the things id seen...
they told me my planes would arrive at 10:45.. I could wait... but that woujld mean the buses wouldnt come again til nearly midnight.. not getting me to her place til 1:20
i fought back the tears of frustration
she did everything she could... i attempted to.. but was defeated so i didnt do as much as i could have
but she talked to me :) and made plans for the next day...

my uncle came sauntering in to save me.. we spent time time catching up on the past 5 months since id last seen/stayed with him..
I do still have this silly adoration for him.. he is 37 or so but i do remember when i was younger i had this infatuation with him.. not romantic.. but fascinated.. he was older..but not too old.. too young to be my uncle.. single.. went on all kinds of adventures from which he brought back pictures.. he was always super nice.. smelled good.. dressed swanky (metrosexual some people might say) and lived in FREMONT.. with the troll under the bridge.

i love flying
seeing the world from above.. it receding below me as we rise.. and getting closer and bigger as we land.. like GoogleEarth, but in real life.. the mountains.. seeing all the green slowly become trees.. the building and houses.. slowly you could see windows and swing sets in the backyard.. the lights speeding this way and that on the roads turning into cars..
to me at least

but i had too much time to think.. as usual.. and as usual, came to no conclusion. about anything.
just dreaming of the life in Seattle.. good and bad... how PERFECT that job is for me

((I DID GO HOME TO DO SOME CATCH UP/REMINDER RESEARCH SO I AM PREPARED DOUBLY.. on THE GOINGS ON IN THE MUSEUM>>> ART>> etc... thinking of intelligent questions i could ask/say during the interview to make them realize that i need/want this job soo much-without sounding like begging for mercy..)

as my uncle drove me back to his place.. i was filled with a warmth.. memories of growing up.. visiting various parts in seattle.. the smell.. the light drizzle.. the houses.. everything.. my grandma who did so much for me without really doing anything at all (my inspiration now and forever more).. Pike Place.. EMP.. the Aquarium.. the piers.. riding the buses.. HumBows.. lots of tantalizing restaurants.. and so much more.. good and bad... but it was a warmth nonetheless

and now i must get ready for the day.. see what it might bring.. i dont know.. but its going to happen anyway.