Monday, September 7, 2009

WHAT a fun night!!
Oh wow
Love it here with emily/
AFter hugs and catch up we went over to her friends, Thomas and Matt.
WHERE I WAS TAKEN TO THEIR litter of the cutest little puppies.. and then to their goats..
and then we road on the Polaris/4 wheeler...
THEN went swimming in the pond.. where i got to play and swim and tread and bond and try to catch the animals in the water (i was convinced the bubbles that were appearing in the latke/pond were animals below EVEN tho they assured me the bubbles were just THERE) ...Looking for the Loch Ness Monster.. or other lake/pond creatures..
Later... we were just chillin.. Matt playing banjo.. Thomas playing video games.. and then the wine came
I am bad with drinks.. i drink .. i dont "sip" or "nurse" my drink.. mine was gone in a matter of 5 seconds.. OOPS
so for the rest of hte night i was in this pretty haze.. laughing.. wondering out loud.. watching the passionate sex scene from MR. and Mrs. Smith
and then
all of a sudden
we went back out on the 4-wheeler for who knows HOW long of intense fun.. i was in hte back sitting on a board in between 2 guys (so i wouldnt fly out) GRAPSING on for dear life to the poles and bars in front of me.. trying to judge when to lift my bum during the huge dips and crevices..
and we stopped a few times.. to let the engine cool.. just chatting.. shooting the breeze.. going on and on abour random.. LOVE it.. miss it.. need it..