Monday, January 5, 2009

New Years... :) :) :) :) :)

Oh woow....
New Years..
WHAT A WAY to blow in the new year!!
2 nights of mind blowing.. breathtaking.. soul bearing.. raving raging mind altering music.. lights.. and tripping..

it was amazing.. it was beautiful..

Sound Tribe Sector 9.. LIVE at the Tabernacle in Atlanta, GA.. 4 nights.. 4 opportunities.. I only went twice.. but wow.. and oh how i wish i could go again
oh how i cannot wait to go again
i want that feeling again..

raving.. raging.. all night long.. Molly.. Lucy.. among others...

dancing alone.. dancing with others.. dancing with boys...
--just because i dance close to you doesn't mean im going to sleep with you...

I kept moving from place to place.. wherever there was an open space i inched in... until i was front and center.. surrounded by hte beauty of everyone and bathed in the lights and colors as they splashed off everyones body.. showering us down below in splotches of colors.. all of us dancing as one.. as each other.. moving together.. with the music as our guide.. the lights as our eyes..

I got ditched the first night.. my friends left me at the Tabernacle.. of course i had no idea what was going on.. had lost track of time and space.. I just saw everyone filing out and laughing... some people were not too happy.. one was on the floor shuddering.. That was when the world started turning into nightmare puke.... people started morphing into things i didn't want to see... there was a girl who was crying.. her mouth was melting off of her face.. in the same sort of expression of "the Scream" painting.. I flowed with the crowd outside.. hoping to find a friendly face.. a couple people came up to talk to me but i couldn't get any words out.. The cold was chilling to the bones and police sirens were everywhere.. i had no idea how to get back to the hotel.. no idea which direction it was in.. no idea where my friends were-even if they WERE at the hotel, how would i get into the room?
and then
the phone call..
bliss flew through me as i realized i was going to be saved.. i just couldn't quite tell him where i was.. "somewhere... outside.. all i can see is people.. and a street.. and a big blue sign" was about all i could say..
but before too long he came hoping out from the crowd and led me home---calling out for me to catch up due to the fact i was fascinated and enthralled by every little thing on the street.

After show.. i found a fun friend with fake dreadlocks.. met him randomly.. danced all night.. made him squirm.. and then left straight up-=- oops..
i wouldntve minded staying... and there were certain naughty thoughts in my head... but i never followed through.. yes i WAS tripping.. BUT i still knew better..

The 2nd day we explored and visited different rooms.. i met some of the Sound Tribe Family followers.. but felt slightly out of place since they all knew each other.. and had known each other for a LONG time...

The 2nd NIGHT i tried some things i probably shouldn't have.. I only took one hit of the Lucy-but was still raving and wide awake and fascinated by my wiggly fingers until 8 am... I found another fun friend to share the night with... he kept feeding me blunts and other things (nothing bad--water and drinks) and
the Tabernacle exploded in a HUGE cloud of fluttering silver confetti bits.. it lasted for a good 10 minutes (though i was tripping so time was a little off) and the whole time i stood still.. shocked.. amazed.. fascinated.. by the beauty that was falling all around me..