Friday, October 3, 2008

Thursday.. battlefield field trip..

signing in... I got another staff for today and tomorrow! YaY!
All the kids packed out this morning because they were goofing off and late to breakfast.. which meant i ALSO had to stand out in the cold and have my coffee..

I cried again last night..
We had gone to the civil war battlefied... JP came in to help out. Which confused things a lot.. I ended up letting personal issues come in clashing with my work.. OOPS.. I ended up ignoring one of the kids.. well not REALLY ignoring him, but not responding when he asked for my notebook to write me a note. I felt horrible afterwards because then he wouldn't talk to me for the rest of the evening and caused the rest of the kids to follow his lead and act up.

On the way back, the bus broke down. All 8 kids and 2 staff and the teacher were all on the side of the highway out in the TALL weeds... one of the kids was trying to pick up trash and take it on the bus. I tried to talk him down.. he grabbed me roughly by the sholder a few times while getting in my face.. intimidating but i took breath remained calm and kept talking and reminded him to get his hands off me. So...i found a way to compromise.. he leaves the trash on the ground.. we take a few flowers home and press them in the books to "keep their prettiness" ... :) YaY ..
though at the same time the other kids kept coming up behind me, trying to rile him up by knocking things out of his hand and trying to wipe mustard on him
JP left at dinner and things went to crap again. I cried again. They weren't listening again.. werent talking.. but i had a group with them, trying to figure out what the deal was.. and it worked out. ish..