Monday, June 1, 2009

here we go again
still nothing
no job
no house
no home
no shower
..but atleast sleep is somewhat a familiar concept.. though i still wake up feeling dead.. due to rocky ground.. bad dreams.. cold nights..
the town is pretty, yes
but it has long since lost its appeal.
We have nothing. His boss is quite nonchalant.. too easygoing.. doesnt seem very organized.. gives vague answers..
He has to complete 10 tours as a shadow/apprentice before he can lead one on his own.. so I am left behind with nothing to do.. and there are no new houses available on any website
we do have one option.. we would live in this guys house.. hes got 2 sons.. 18 and 20 and apparently they crank their music at 3 am and have people coming and going all the time.. the people are all vegans or gluten-free or whatnot.. the lady who lives there is not technically the wife.. i dont know the whole story.. so its kida like a hostel.. or having a new family.. He would be gone most of the time anyway.. so Id be the one stuck there..
BUT its close to town.. quite affordable.. furnished.. people to talk to.. they are southerners=very accommodating.. and If i do end up going to Seattle, He could still afford it..

I have the best time when hes gone.. wandering about the beaches.. crawling over the rocks whether they be barnacly or smooth or slippery or covered in seaweed.. in flip flops.. I scale the cliffs to get around places i cant wade through.. I am not afraid to wade through the water even if it is up to my thighs.. yes i get scraped up.. yes I am terrified of Crabs.. the spiders of the sea.. but i love it
i dont think sadly out there
i just do
i just go
and there is this rock.. covered in the softest grass I have ever laid on.. I took a nap on it yesterday.. didnt mean to.. but i did..

job searching continues today.. Monday..