Tuesday, June 2, 2009

So i do believe this was one of the worst days.. not so fun.. at all.
i woke up with a migraine.. after tossing and turning all night long..
He wanted to drive into town.. well.. so did i cuz i knew he wanted to..
we called the man who wanted a housemate.. and we said we would do it.. move in tomorrow..
I was going to take a shower, but didnt have the energy to walk down the street.. pay for the shower.. take the shower and all that includes.. and then walk back..
We drove back to the campsite where he got ready for a 6 hour tour he was shadowing. We contemplated taking down the tent and moving to a hotel for the night.. but it was much too complicated.. how would he get back to town? (hitch a ride with the tour guide/co-worker that would be driving the tourists back anyway) How would we get the kayak back? (he could leave it there with the other kayaks)
We needed to talk to that man anyway.. the person we are moving in with.. more on that later..

Oh.. the coffee shop-called the Doctor's Office.. we went there for breakfast (for him) and I talked to the lady a little more.. she seemed interested.. but hesitant to give me the go in terms of a job due to some islanders coming back for the summer who were veterans at her place..

So from 10:30-5:30 i was laying around.. at the campsite (pretty much this one guys backyard) in the hot hot heat.. moving from place tto place.. from side to side.. to get comfortable.. to be able to sleep.. to stop sweating.. to stop the pain.. to stop the throbbing.. an d no phone reception so no way to talk to anyone to pass the time. .not that i would have been much of a conversationalist..
but he came back.. tired.. sore.. happy.. $60 tip
and i wanted so bad to be happy for him
but all i could think about was how no one wanted to hire me.. (atleast for a week or so)
how i was just lying around
how i wanted to kayak.. to move.. to explore the water.. to go sailing.. to have fun.. to laugh..
I was hearing the tourists come back from their 6 hour tour.. so happy.. laughing.. i wanted that..
and soon to be my brithday
and at a loss of what would make me happy
except for a job,.. to be happy.. to have friends.. to hookah.. to be able to enjoy eating (not just during)

Yesterday he had training for 3 hours.. which was a fiasco in itself.. in finding it.. etc.
there are many places on this island where you get no reception..
anyway. thats a long story
but while he was gone i was wandering downtown.. looking for a job.. finding no leads.. atleast not for a week or so
i need to be patient
the Convalescent Center.. i would get a $2,000 sign on bonus (i wasnt really paying attention but i think thats what they were saying).. paid work/training.. and with the CNA training that would guarantee me jobs pretty much anywhere
and some guy came up to me.. started talking.. about work on the island.. entertained by my stories.. and he just had to say it, "The reason why I stopped to talk to you was because, truthfully, you are the prettiest girl i have seen in a year at least"
that threw me off
hes messing with me.. and so was my head.. which lead me to some wine tasting.. buying a bottle of wine.. driving back to where he was training to pick him up.. refusing to come down to the water where they were training (what was i going to do? just sit there and watch? they were too far out for me to talk.. but i felt rude staying in the car.. but safer..)
we all ended up going to mexican food anyway.
and the boss lady paid for mine too (which was just a side order of black beans because i refused to order an actual meal, with the excuse "I dont want to spend her money when I am not working for her.."

hes got a cool bunch of co-workers.
he gets to kayak all day
to move
to connect with people
to see beauty all around
to earn tips
to do what he loves (though he does need to work on patience with the pampered)
and hes reallly good at it too

Anyway. its hot now still
and i need a shower
and a job