Monday, May 18, 2009


Meet her
or not

she scares me.. but i feel bad because i laugh.. because i dont know what else to do..

i dont understand how she can do that.. 24/7... and its such a common house hold thing.. 10 cans of duster a day... she huffs them..

its not illegal....
but it KILLS... and it only lasts less than 5 minutes... so each time she inhales she gets up to 5 minutes of good feelings.. and at risk for sudden death.. brain damage.. bursting lungs.. not to mention killing all kinds of brain cells..

"... It's like I'm walking on Sunshine..."

Yea.. it didnt last long...

Im not going to give up
thinga are getting better
or at least for the moment

1. I sold my ipod shuffle for $70 on Amazon (which means I got $67)
2. I got tax money back... $411
3. Im at home.. I love my daddy.. and my mom too yes
4. I have a job interveiw tomorrow with the Outdoor School in Texas which will be hiring for September.. they remembered my application from when I tried to apply back in December and they were full up.. as a teacher...
5. I had a job interveiw with Child Haven in Seattle as a Therapeutic Child Care Worker.. and get to do 3 days of training so they can see me at work before they decide to hire me
6. We are about to head out soon.. excited.. nervous.. scared all at the same time..
7. Hes on top of things.. getting paid Wed and coming to me.. hopefully to stay with me Wed night and then head out Thur....

Its a beautiful day
and I can eat without feeling like pooh or puking

...lets see how long this "high" will last..