Wednesday, April 9, 2008

THought-provoking, life-inspiring questions..

Once again.. my class has gotten to me..
I have been quite thinky lately. I know that is not a word, but it is how i feel.. for all you people who need REAL words.. contemplative.. reminiscent.. dreamy...

Soo many things have happened..
Everytime i think my life is going crazy, the next day/week i realize i had no idea what crazy really was.

Class today.. the questions my professor proposed really got to me. I shall share a few with you..

--> Name a subject you can speak about with real authority because you have lived it.

[growing confidence and loving it.. but how it can get you in troubling times with others.. your newfound confidence to face the world and meet people]

--> If money was no object, what are three (3) things you would like to experience or do?
[money is not an issue with the things i would like to experience.. well.. not really.. but (1) going to the Beale Street Music Festival would be aMazing! (2) Going to Thailand.. (3) ???]

--> Imagine you are standing at a crossroads with two arrows pointed in opposite directions. What is written on the signs? (first thought..instinct..don't think..what do you see?)
[passion ... security]

-->What did your parents NOT want you to do with your life?
[be sad.. unsafe..holding myself back]

-->Imagine you are going to a Halloween party next weekend-What will you go as?
[A honeybee..with honey.. OR something with a tutu or a skirt that spins all the way out.. ooooo fun]

-->What is something people have been telling you your whole life? (1 good 1 bad)
[that i am crazy/eccentric/special and that i am very impatient]

-->How would/do you spend your disposable income?
[food.. to cook for others.. to give out to others.. or little random trinkets such as bubbles, paint, bouncy balls, stickers to share with others.. let them live out childhood again]

-->If someone were to say, "Just go for it!" What would "it" be?
[i choose not to disclose this information at this time... :]

--> How would it look if someone turned up the volume in your life right now?
[mind blowing.. i can barely take it at this pace.. though chaos and thrills are what i do love]

-->What is the most important thing missing from your life right now?
[a couple i could think of off the top of my head.. self confidence.. self acceptance..]

-->If you were not worried about consequences what act of chaos would you introduce into your life to shake it up and help it grow?

[pretty much doing more of what i am doing now... going out with friends at all hours of the night.. letting go.. acting on my feelings and not holding back because of what i fear]

-->What have you rejected or ignored that seems determined to keep following you around?
[Many people know all too well what/who this is...]

-->Name a pattern or two in your life that you are sick of?

[getting scared and copping out.. getting too distracted to fully enjoy what i should... not making decisions until it is too late]

-->Who is someones life that you envy and why?

[Emily Brooks. I know she has her own problems/issues and she knows it too. She is not perfect, but she certainly lives life to the fullest. she is always being called out to go places.. she is always loved by others.. she is always so genuine and loves experiencing life. She is an inspiration and a motivator. I am soo thankful to have her as my friend.. AND SHE IS GOING TO SPEND THE SUMMER WITH ME TOO!-maybe-]

-->If you had the opportunity to teach every child in the world one life lesson, what would it be?
[to be yourself.. to do what you want and not what others want you to do.. let loose.. be free.. shock others.. don't hide yourself away]

Listen to those song lyrics that get stuck in your head... pay attention.. they may be very telling of your inner desire or need...

at the moment.. mine has been "Kiss the Girl" (hmmmmm..) and "Boy with a Coin" (listen below..)