Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Oh wow... we went down to Cattle Point last night after dinner..
(of course i got frustrated cuz i had told him we should go earlier.. but no.. he wanted to go at 7:45 at night..)
but thats okay
it was amazing
I am glad we went
and would recommend it to everyone..
I dont know if it is the TIME we went (nearing sunset) or the fact we hadnt done much since i got off work except watch a documentary..
we saw Foxes (foxi).. some were dark brownish black with a little white tuft at the end.. and then a scrawny bronze colored one.. and deer right at the side of the road and frolicking in the fields of dull tan grass.. a bald eagle perched on the edge of the rocky ledge peering down at the water looking for his dinner.. bunnies skiddaddling around away from the road..
and there were trails.. with spit bugs leftvovers along the side of the trail.. blackberry bushes turned to feilds of tall wheat type grass blowing and bending in the breeze.. with little rocks jutting up from the ground.. as you got closer to the sea, rocky legdges emerged.. the sea was vast and blue.. Olympic Peninsula on straight ahead... Canada to the right.. Victoria and BC.. down by the lighthouse you could also see Lopez Island.. pictures could NOT take in how breathtaking it was.. atleast for me.. the rush of the sea as it broke against the rocks below.. with a little cove off to one side (Grandma's Cove) with its mildly rocky beach and ivory white driftwood.. the other side was more rocky ledges, with a little clan of sea birds crowded around in a circle in the water.. JP said that usually when birds clump together like that you will likely see a Minke Whale.. because they feed on the same thing and if the birds found it, the Whale is soon to track it down..
I was happy.
EXCEPT my camera ran out of batteries.. :(
and i could get no picture of the eagle.. or the spit bugs.. or the veiw.. or Canada.. or the black and orange stripped bugs making love on the trail.. the bunnies.. and later the sunset..

Documentary #1
Bigger Stonger FAster
It was about steroid use in America.. body builders and their use.. as well as branching out to Olympic Atheletes.. Gym rats.. how Tiger Woods "cheateD" by getting Lasik Surgery to get his vision to 20/10 ... its neither pro- nor anti- steroids.. just gives both sides of the story in a pretty fair view.. Floyd Landis slept in an altitude chamber in order to provide him with more white (or red i forgot) blood cells so that he could function better when the Tour De France came and he won.. but was stripped of his title.. he also touches on Hulk Hogan.. but mostly Arnold Scrawzenegger, Sylvester Stalone and the like.. i never would have chosen this, thats for sure.. body builders make me cringe.. i dont think they look good AT ALL.. and they even had the man with the biggest biceps ever.. I was appalled..

Documentary #2
Ghosts of Cite Soleil
An interesting, intense look at Haiti in 2004.. how the president paid/hired local gangs to beat up/get rid of/smash local anti0government groups and protesters.. guns.. everyone had guns.. kids were running around with no clothes.. in the dirty streets.. there was gangster/rap music all over.. guns guns guns.. heavy rap influence.. Wycleaf Jean was even in it.. talking to one of the gang leaders.. I cringed a few times at the sight.. its quite humbling

We got a day off together.. we were going to go to Orcas island to explore.. but got sidetracked last night when we went to check out this new opportunity.. a cute little house up on the "mountain" with a view.. lots of free space.. it made me dream hapy.. but i dont know if we are goign to go there.. and if we do.. will it allow for my happyness?