Wednesday, April 29, 2009

SAD day
HEAVY sadnesss plagued me all day
so i cleaned
vacuumed.. scrubbed the oven.. the counters.. cupboards.. organized the pantry, freezer, fridge.. etc.
work was slow today.. 11:30-2 and only 2 tables.. but still made $7 for 2 tables..
between yesterday and the day before i made $140..

today i got a call from Seattle Children's Museum.. looking forsomeone to facilitate their imagination studio.. basically i would get to work in an open-ended art room for kids.. and thier parents.. 9-5 tue-sat at $10/hour.
They want an IN-PERSON interveiw next week..
i dont know if i can afford to go out there for the chance that i MIGHT get a job at the place of my dreams...
,...or can i?

my eyeballs give me migraine problems... and i thought the hangovers were migranes.. but they persist even when i do not drink,..

I want to go across county..
i want to re-visit Yellowstone.. Bryce Canyon.. Crater Lake.. Hoh rain forest in WA..
i want to swing on swings

and i hate wanting
because it means the life you lead NOW is not satisfactory
i want to like my life the way it is..