Saturday, March 7, 2009

hiking.. one shoe.. pink drss.. mud.. and serial killers

SO picture this
im hiking up the mountain
being pulled by this big brownish black dog (I think shes a lab.. but i dont judge by looks)
wearing a pink dress
with one shoe
and the other foot is a hole-y sock
and im out of breath cuz this dog keeps dragging me up the hill
and i have mud splatters on me because the dog keeps rolling in hte mud and shaking it off
all over me

people pass by.. looking at me strangely..
I talk it up
i make up stories
its kinda fun

"I lost my shoe when i tried to save my dog from drowning in hte lake"
"umm.... " loooking around nervously.. not meeting their eyes
"Oh really? When i left the house i had two shoes..."
"Can i borrow $20?"
and on
and on
whatever came to my head
at one point i had this couple talking with me for quite awhile and i made up all this stuff about my baby back at home with his daddy.. they are sick and usually we go out as a family and i play with the baby down with the goats.. and show them pictures of some baby Orlando

house sitting is fun
i make the mistake of watching stupid A&E bios on serial killers
and i realize im not in the BEST area of town
at all
and i hear noises at night
granted.. most of the time they are the dog or the cat..
but i couldn't sleep at all last night.. i cried even.. and then got hungry.. binged.. puked.. cried some more..
im okay now
but super tired
after walking Wilma up and down the mountains for 2 hours and then traipsing downtown by myself for another 2 hours.. passing time until my friend showed up..
he said 3..or 4.. its 6 now..
I dont think hes going to come
and i need him
real bad

On the other hand
i baked the cookies...
Wilma somehow climbed up on the counter and ate the entire first batch
but i got 2 more through without her eating them
and then i attempted hummus..
its not that bad..
and now im crashed on the waterbed
for what>? im not sure.. sleep? him? someone to call?
I dont know
i guess ill find out