Friday, May 2, 2008

blah blah

i hate this
Every weekend.
same thing.
7..8..9.. no one.
I hear bits and pieces of things that are going on around town.
but no real invitations. No one asking me to come.
I dont even know where these places are.
As outgoing as i may seem.. i could never bring myself to go to one of those parties alone.
So i sit here and marinade in my lonesome thoughts
I close my eyes and drift away to the music
but all that comes to my head are images of my friends
having fun
they are together
they are having fun
they have that human connection
they have all of that
I just have my music to keep me company
it isn't enough

as incredibly silly or sappy or dumb as it sounds, some of the songs i hear speak to me..
at the moment..
Vendetta red - Silhouette Serenade

Live- Lightning Crashes

.......and more... but i cant think straight at the moment..

what what?

N64 and Hookah..
WONDERFUL ways to spend time with friends..
groovin with the music in the background.. bonding.. feeling fun.. fighting it out on the tv.. freshly made cookies, brownies, cupcakes, muffins, etc. strewn out on the table for anyone to take at their leisure..

Popsicles and pink lemonade for summer fun

Bubbles and glitter and dresses for playing on the luscious green grassy Quad, letting the warm sun wrap its arms around me

Magical Dragon Tears that i carry around with me to pass out to others.. expand their minds with the concept and the taste.. dragon tears, as we all know, turn into jellybeans

Skittles.. taste the rainbow.. When you say SKITTLES.. your mouth turns up in a smile :)
is why i pass out the skittles..

and by the way...
I love who i am when i am with you..
i love the way you make me feel..
please dont give up on me.
you make me feel alive again..

blow your mind!

BE CAREFUL this messes with your eyeballs..