Thursday, August 14, 2008


gravity hits hard... just to let you know...
WoW.. just ask Emily... and anyone who was around me last night..
I TRIED soooooooooo hard to hit the floor running... to come back to the point that i could TALK to poeple that i wanted to talk to.. my last night in Tuscaloosa.. I pretty much failed at that.. in my own hazy world...

the sunglasses didn't help.. made me think i was going blind... and i felt like a giant holey sponge and could feel the air flow through me... I had to keep my sunglasses on for safety.. would NOT let anyone take them off...

Everyone kept coming up to me... talking to me.. even simple hugs and pokes felt like WoW..

I miss you Tuscaloosians..

no idea whats in store for me now... tracking down a place to stay in Asheville.. Criags List has some interesting places.. though i am not sure about many of them.. turstworthy? i dont know...

I REALLY REALLY want someone to stay with me.. to visit.. to couch surf.. I want that more than anything.. EVEN IF they are just using me for a room while they are in Asheville.. I dont care... I push THAT part out of my mind and focus on the fact that they are WITH ME!! :) and they came to sEE ME!! :)