Saturday, January 5, 2008

Animals and such

Poor Hamster Song... Awww.. poor hamster...

This is the super Koopa the turtle! He can paint! I love him~ His website is HERE~you can even buy his masterpeices!

Sloths are amazing... I love them... They are sooo stinkin cute I cant stand it. They are about the size of a cat... have short, flat heads, flat heads, tiny ears.. sturdy curved claws on each foot to climb trees or to hang... They have algae growing on their fur which is for camoflauge-AND if they get hungry, they can simply lick and enjoy the nutrients! They sleep 15-18 hours a day, upsdie down.... they travel down to the ground ONCE a WEEK to poooh... then make their descent back up the tree... It takes them 1 month to move 1 km... they eat, sleep, mate and give birth upside down in their treee...

Next up, ORANGUTANS!!!! They share 97% of the same DNA/genes as us human people... Indigenous peoples of Indonesia and Malaysia call them "Orang Hutan" literally "People of the Forest". In times past they would not kill them because they felt the orangutan was simply a person hiding in the trees, trying to avoid having to go to work or become a slave..


..they have the longest childhood dependance on their mothers and breastfeed for 6 years.... THEY EVEN HAVE THIER OWN REALITY SHOW on animal planet! "Orangutan Island", every Friday.. LOVEITLOVEITLOVEIT.

I do not even know what to say about this crazy monkey.Proboscis monkey.. He is ONLY found in Borneo and the poor thing is endangered...

And this little turd is a baby sifaka from Madagascar


And lastly, a little girl named Tippi from Namibia...Intriguingly fascinating story....."For 10 years, Tippi wandered the bush bare footed, making friends with all sorts of animals: leopards, caracals, mongooses, baboons and snakes. " She literally grew up with the animals and the native poeple down there... For 10 years, she wandered around, mostly only wearing a loincloth. Her playground was the hills and the harsh desert tribelands of southern Africa; her playmates were big cats, elephants, snakes and crocodiles. More pics of Tippi