Friday, January 11, 2008

More Zoo Fun

Employees Only by ~nicolysis on deviantART
One fun thing... is going behind those "Employees Only" signs.. behind the doors and gates and locks... going behind the scenes... Where "normal people" don't venture... I get a fun feeling of glee inside of me as I go back there.. I LOVE it... Whether at the zoo.. or backstage at a concert or play... or anywhere that is mysterious to me...
At the zoo, I get to go in LOTS of "Employees Only" areas.. and I feel lucky and excited and honored all at the same time. :] I get to see how the zoo works... i get to see what the Zookeeper does... I get to see all that goes on to make things look as they do... taking care of and feeding the animals... cleaning up after them...
I also get to hear the radio.. the little remote radio where the employees at the zoo communicate with each other...
"I need all available bodies to come down by the farm to help move the bridge so it doesn't flood and float away."

We have a "Critter Room" by the educational building... One of the zoo keeper-lady-people took the little peacock, "Polka" out for a walk around the building... He made the cutest little chirpy noises!!