Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Book Report, Take 2

Wow. I read a fun book tonight... (insomnia does NOT rock my world...)
I thought it was going to be a silly filler book.. one that did not require any thinking.
It turns out that it had so many true points..

What Flavor is Your Personality? by Dr. Allan Hircsh M.D.

It is very interesting, but true, how the kinds of food can reveal who you are. All of his facts are supported and proven by many studies that have been carried out by him and the people at The Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation.

There was a test... asking about your favorite snack food... from there it supposedly determined some bits of who you are...
There was a choice between
--Pretzels--Potato Chips--Tortilla Chips--Cheese Curls--Snack Crackers--Meat--

I chose Pretzels... and the description was pure me!
"Lively... easily bored with the same old routine...much pretzels and forget about dinner... flirty...always looking for new adventures...overly trustworthy and vulnerable..."

And then the ice cream test based on your favorite flavor of ice cream
Double Chocolate Chunk--Banana Cream Pie--Butter Pecan--Vanilla--Chocolate Chip--Strawberries and Cream

Photo from

Double Chocolate Chunk...
"life of the party...may have grown up but still a kid at heart... loves center of attention..easily seduced..does not seek leadership but prefers to follow the lead of others..."

It then went on to discuss other interesting studies that were done

1. Scents that sexually arouse men

---These were determined by penile blood flow and arousal.
The study was done in 1995, they used 30 odors...
Pumpkin Pie and Lavendar: 40% increase in arousal
Black Licorice and Donuts: 32% increase in arousal
Pumpkin Pie and Donut: 20% increase in arousal
AND down at the bottom...
Cranberry Sauce: 2%
along with baby powder...

2. Scents that sexually arouse women
---These were determined by
The study was performed in 1998, they used the same 30 odors...
Good & Plenty candy and Cucumber: 13% increase in arousal
Baby Powder: 13% increase in sexual arousal
Good & Plenty candy and Banana Nut Bread: 12% increase in sexual arousal
Lavender and Pumpkin Pie: 11% increase in sexual arousal
AND down at the bottom (Women, unlike men, actually showed a DECREASE in sexual arousal to certain scents)
Cherry: -18%
Charcoal Barbecue: -14%
Male Colognes: -1%

These studies, as mentioned above, were conducted by the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation.

Other interesting things proven by them...

1. Wine: sexy.... Beer and Hard Liquor: NOT sexy
... It has to do with the glasses. The long stem and deep bowls filled with liquid subconsciously remind us of male and female genitalia.
... Also, the way we hold the wine glasses may be suggestive of erotic caresses.

2. Link between Seafood, Scent and Sexual Arousal
Apparently, the female sexual odor is slightly salty and, as a result, may subconsciously remind people of the sea... or seafood
This makes sense when looked at the folklore that men are attracted to seafood and oysters. They tend to link the smell and taste with sexual arousal and desire... more explanation needed....

3. Childhood Memory, Nostalgia and smells...
People that were born around 1930, link certain odors with their childhood:
--flowers--meadow--hay--burning leaves--honeysuckle--
Those born between 1960 and 1970 linked the following odors:
=products such as= Pez_Play Dough=Automobiles=gasoline_car engines_
Those born after 1970 tended to link the these smells:
~mosquito repellents~chlorine~cleaning solutions~
...I hope that the shift in scents doesn't reflect a change in society's values.. although i fear it may be true..

----> Another interesting find <--- those born before 1960, refereed to the smell of fresh cut grass with pleasant and happy thoughts Those born between 1960 and 1979, have negative associations with the smell of fresh cut grass-> most likely due to having to mow their own lawn.