Wednesday, October 6, 2010

This dude I have been babysitting for... the first couple days i worked for him he had no money to pay me.. the day i didnt work for him he finally got some money.. Today i worked for him again and at first he didnt have any money, but he was selling something to a friend and gave me the money instead, still he shorted me 10 but offered to let me use his food stamps card for some food.
I declined.
Later on, I asked him if he needed me tomorrow... and if he did, would he be able to pay me,.. Because I cannot work for nothing and I told him that.
He then freaked out on me.. sending me a text message 5 or so pages long about how my attitude pissed him off.. how he had been so nice to me. offering his food stamps card... paying me as he should..
And All i was doing was saying that I could not work for free... if he could not pay me I wasn;t going to do it because i cannot afford to work for free... I appreciate the help he had given me, even though it wasn't a lot of money.. and I appreciate the offer for the food stamps card, but i would feel bad using his food stamp card...
I was not trying to be rude..
I was just asking..
I felt bad
for his kids.. for him.. but he pretty much told me to F*** off and that he didn't want ot see me again and de-friended me on Facebook (ha!)
In my eyes, his reaction was a little childish.. overreacting.. but i still feel bad.. I didnt mean to make him upset...