Friday, September 24, 2010

HEre i am again!
In Florida.
Singer Island, actually! Just steps from the beach
I love it
i really do
its 700 per month.. its month to month lease.. which is good because neither of us have a job right now.. nor do we really have any prospects.
I set up an account on to be a nanny.. in case nothing else works.
I would LOVE to be a nanny actually.
But also I would love to be a preschool teacher.. or work at the Zoo.. or the Children's Museum.. or a Wildlife Sanctuary type thing.
Time will tell
I was so excited about getting this place... it allows pets.
and I have been craving a kitty for sooo long (not to eat of course.. but to play with)
Pet therapy.
something to love and cuddle with and to spend money on because you need to feed it.. toys to play with it.. and all that other jazz.. which i am prepared for... once I get a job

I have done so much all my life for so many people. out of the goodness of my heart. trusting people. believing in people. telling myself that they REALLY ARE good people.. despite what other people say.. and i get manipulated.. stepped on.. etc.
Karma never seems to come back my way.

And so many people are offering me places.. opportunities..
my aunt in the Seattle area.. shes a cop now! :) She used to do so much for me when I was younger! I do wish that I could spend more time with her, because the last time i was at her place some complications ensued and I fear she got the wrong image of me.
and up in Hendersonville I still have Carina waiting.. I would sooooo love to move back.. be HER nanny... and still wish beyond wishes that i had the funds and the confidence in myself (and the economy) to buy the business from her...

but yes
here i am
in our little apartment
on the beach
pouring rain and windy as crazy outside.. but walking out on the balcony it still quite warm outside.. the rain and the wind is warming.
less than $100 in my bank account.. but at least we dont have to pay rent for the rest of the month.. and we have some ramen noodles and half a box of Capn Crunch.. and each other
and even if we dont find a job, at least we got to live on the beach in Florida!
We will just move home.. or I will go to Jody or Carina
but he DOES 100% have a job come December on the other side of Florida.. int he Everglades... so once mid November comes we might move over to the other side and share a house.. the two of us and his co-worker.. which will allow us to have a slight upgrade in quality and less pricey because it will be between 3 people (or 4 depending on if he has his girlfriend with him or not)
time will tell
i need to go do some painting (art therapy)