Friday, May 21, 2010


Its 2 weeks to my birthday.
Does not feel anywhere near summer.. atleast not today.. and not emotionally..
but I am tracking down a therapist to help talk things out.. its been wayyyy too long since i have had a good chat with a neutral person..
I keep having dreams about going back to the treatment center.. and how calming.. relieving.. releasing it is.. the pressure is off. . I HAVE to eat.. I have people to talk to all the time.. all kinds of moral support.. emotional support.. art therapy. .
He leaves tomorrow for his first multi day trip.. I am not too excited to be left alone for the weekend.. at least I have work for the next days to keep me busy,..
We have been watching LOST.. 1st season down.. and in the process of tracking down the 2nd season.,. I like Charlie. LOVE him.. and John Locke.. I have been drawn into the island .. i never thought i would.. but wow..
it really is beautiful here. surrounded by waters.. the rocky, barnacly beaches.. sprinkled with crabs.. the dark, dank forests.. the ground and trees wearing a coat of soft green moss.. all the boats in the harbor.. the smell o the waters..
but prices here.. wow.. im being wiped out just buying groceries.. it does not help that i am only working 3 days a week so far.. but June 21st the summer camp starts to keep me busy.
until then, I had this plan that i dreamt up this morning.. to send out my resume to MANY places in hopes SOMEONE needs help for a month.. but as i walked in the door to Chuch Hill today I got offered to cover for one of the girls.. She also gave me a bag of new clothes... so I will test them out tonight.. who knows.. maybe something will look good on me!!
Rachel.. my bestst friend from back in the day sent me a package the other day loaded with love, smiles and Sponge Bob towels :) MADE MY WEEK!! !They are the kind you put into water and they grow.. I am doing them one per day.. to spread out the fun.. . I miss her.. too mcuh.