Friday, July 3, 2009

WE made it!
I do love this location.. theres a window in front of the bed that looks over the Olympic Mountains (you do have to kind of look inbetween the trees)
and i woke up to a bunny outside my window..
the man who rented it to us.. I dont know if it is because he wasn't sure we were going to take it or not (we met with him for 15 minutes before he left to go to Mt Rainier then Europe) but the place is quite dirty.. IT could be just that he is a male.. an outdoorsy male.. that is used to camping...
but the fridge.. the stove.. the floor.. the windows.. the mirrors.. all need help..
ANd there is no cleaning liquids.. nor are there paper towels actually.

I still love it..
even though I did have to get up to go to the bathroom twice in the middle of hte night.. blindingly trying to find my way to the trailer outside and since the lights in the trailer don't work either;.. trying to navigate through the narrow space to the bathroom..
the "trailer" reminds me of my old boat.. Bongos :)

so i am going to have my work cut out for me.. CLEANING! i actually DO like cleaning.. i lke seeing the progress i make.. :)

and i ran into the owner of my workplace again yesterday.. JP and i were going to catch some Mexican food (but hte kitchen was closeD) and she was telling us that her friend missed the 8pm ferry.. couldnt get on the 9:45 ferry, nor the 10:55 ferry.. and was on wait for the 4 am ferry...
SO.. beginning of 4th of July weekend and the ferries are backed up nearly 4 ferries.. I dont know how many ferries there are between the 10:55 one and the 4 am one..
And she said she was talking to the manager of Dos Diablos and heard i was inquiring about a job.. I got nervous that she would get upset, or mad that i was trying to apply for another job somewhere, but she assured me that she said i was the best worker.. hardest worker.. cutest worker and enjoyed it the most.
I guess thats a good thing.
I will drop off my resume today on my way to work.


vasepill said...

hey penny, i hope you have a good 4th! so i joined blogspot. miss u girl.