Sunday, June 28, 2009

Things have been pretty smooth sailing.. The only time i have cried in the past 3 days was at work..
and it was because of many mini-mistakes.. like forgetting to ask what kind of bread for their toast or what cheese for their omelet and having the cook-lady remind me that every time i go back to the customers to ask something it makes me look bad.. and gets on their nerves.. and I was working the 11 hour shift.. and spilt water on the table, coming quite close to this nice mans computer (we had a nice, pleasant, joking conversation earlier.. we BONDED.. and then i nearly broke his computer) and i couldn't find the credit card slip so i freaked out and started going through all the garbage trying to see through the blur of my tears... and still had to ring up my customers because the other waitress refused to deal with them because she is not a people person and didnt know what they ordered.. so i had to ring up 2 sets of customers with tears streaming down my face and i couldnt even talk.. and to make it worse i kept giving back the wrong change...
UNTIL i realized it was on the other side of the table where the man with the computer was..
and i went into the bathroom and cried for a good 10 minutes
and i was fine

and I still crave all kinds of delicious... and flavorful chips.. and munch on all kinds of things.. (a small handful of cheese here and there at work,.. the leftovers of smoothies with a generous portion of whipped cream.. 3 gummi worms here.. 4 mike and ikes there.. a pinchful of broken tortilla chips there... etc.) but no MEALS... so therefore my mind is overwhelmed with the VASTNESS of what i ate.. and have no idea of the actual QUANTITY because i focus on HOW many DIFFERENT.. blowing it out of proportion.

The documentaries are going GREAT.
i suppose..
though most of hte movies we rent he watches while i am at work.. or i fall asleep during because i am so tired..
and then wake up at 5 or 6 in the morning to mosey off to work..

We watched one on Ingrid Newkrik and Peta.. wow.. some of the images in that are quite disturbing.. I had to divert my eyes.. and the extremes Peta goes to get their message across.. which only makes everyone appalled at them.. NOT necessarily listening to their message, but writing them off as crazy or whatnot.
We watched quite a few on Mt Everest and different adventures up there...
Wetbacks making it from down in South America.. Guatamala and whatnot.. swimming across the water to get to the US and the crazy farmers that live nearby that wait in the bushes with guns and radios to call in the PoPo..
Che Guevara.. what an interesting man.. and to me, seems to be a morphing of a REALLY cute/hot guy.. and a neandrathal.. we followed him through his time in medical school where he traveled around witnessing the extreme poverty.. decided to do something about the fact that it was a result of the government, capitalism, imperialism.. became a revolutionary.. with guerilla tactics... i dont really remember a whole lot because to tell you the truth i fell asleep about 45 minutes into it and woke up with 30 minutes left.. where his little troop was down to like 7.. and then they split up.. and then they were caught.. and though we wanted to take him alive,, word was sent from the cuban government to have him killed right then and there.. claiming he was killed due to battle wounds.. so they shot him.. and then the famous photo was taken.. and his quest "for new man" driven by "moral" rather than "material" incentives,
and more..
and Captain Ron.. and The Gods Must Be Crazy..
oldies but goodies..

and i had a stalker.. followed me home.. came into the house.. i didnt invite him in and he proceeded to sit on the bed,.. asking me over and over what i liked to do for fun...agreeing completely wiht everything i said, even if i contradicted myself 3 statements later.. and kept asking why i wouldn't sit down by him.. asking him why i was so far away.. but it was okay because he didnt mind watching me where i was.... i was seriously a little scared... how would i get him to leave?
I finally said.. in a stern voice.. "I AM GOING TO TAKE A SHOWER" ... and his eyes glowed.. and he got the message.. and backed away and slowly made his way out.. with the awkward door moment where he hung in the doorway for awhile, slowly moving back in the house.. I shut the door.

nightmares came again.. SO vivid.. SO real..

and the acoustic guitar man is my friend on facebook.. and i see him every once in awhile.. beautiful voice.. quite cute.. and i learned lives less than 50 feet from me.. and is Shay's friend (Shay is the son of the people i live with)
but still havent said a word to him in person (shy me) though we have exchanged some interesting emails.. :)

and the guy at the bar that JP scared away.. I see him from time to time as im walking.. he still calls me gorgeous.. asks "Wheres your boyfriend? Why do you have to walk around alone all the time?"..

i am too easily entranced by people... perplexed.. transfixed.. confused.. tantalized. all and everything..