Monday, May 25, 2009

Things are better..
but hes soooo soo tired.. and soo soo restless at night..
he cant help it though.. but he could have prevented it by not doing anything in the first place..
but driving.. across South Dakota.. and Wyoming.. VAST stretches of nothing.. you could see for miles.. i wish i could have stayed there at night.. outside... the stars.. the sunset.. the sunrise.. would have been breathtaking..
Badlands had lunar-like rocky gorges and towers.. a light orangeish white.. with stripes of darker orange.. some were more roundy and moundy.. others were more drip-castley..
it was quite like what i imagine Mars to be like.. i would have LOVED to camp out there.. but it was to be stormy that night.. I was sad :(
To stay out there.. in that strange.. eerie.. otherworldy land..
the lightning was quite amazing.. bright flashes lighting up the entire sky.. one right after hte other.. like God flashing his camera.. the rain was thick, hard and fast..
Mt. Rushmore... :) such smooth faces..
Crazy Horse Memorial... its going to be huge.. someday..
Yellostone tomorrow...
hesitantly excited that we might get to hike.. that he will be over his flailing and restlessness and exhaustion and DO something..
I want to rent ATVs or White Water Raft.. or hike.. camp atleast..

I suppose we shall see...