Sunday, May 17, 2009

......Some One Sentence Commencement Speeches...

No matter how low you consider yourself, there is always someone looking up at you wishing they were that high.

The world is speaking to you every day. You just don't always know how to listen.

You are a little part of everyone, and everyone is a little part of you- our humanity depends on yours.


Sometimes it's more than okay to be terrified.

on the days you think the sun won't shine, remember every moment you spent smiling at a friend, a lover, anyone, for if they smiled back, that shining sun is worth more than any cloudy day.

Understand the difference between being an adult and growing up...

There's no "perfect" job, just employment you make the best of.

Always look people in the eye when you talk to them, that way you know you have their attention, and they have yours.

Going out into the "real world" is a scary concept until it hits you (and it will!) that you are already living in the real world and always have been.

If you'll regret it in the morning, sleep 'til noon.

You will make it. But someone will love you even if you don't.

questioning whether you should do something or not? do it. life is too short to pass up opportunities that could change your life memorable.

If you're not living on the edge, you're wasting space.

Take the chance- even if you are scared - you might hate it - it may not work - it may work - you might love it - but don't live to regret not taking it

you have brains in your head. you have feet in your shoes. you can steer yourself in any direction you choose. you're on your own. and you know what you know. you are the guy who'll decide where to go. (Dr. Suess)

Chase dreams, not paychecks.

"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There will never be anyone youer than you." (Dr. SuesS)

You will lose things you can't imagine losing, and you will find things you never thought you would find. No doubt the universe is unfolding exactly as it should, even if it is unclear to you at the time.

Don't be afraid to take leaps, you can't cross a chasm in two small steps.

The goal isn't to live forever; but to create something that will

"The hardest part isn't finding who we need to be. It's being content with who you are."

"If there is ever a tomorrow when we are not together there is something you must always remember: you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think, but most important of all, even if we are apart. I'll always be with you." -Pooh