Friday, April 17, 2009

Theres a lot of temptation here at my parents house
->the scale
havent been on it in forever.. am scared to know what I weigh.. am scared to ride that ride again.. day after day.. trying to get it lower.. etc ect
-->the bathroom connected to my bedroom
far from where anyone is.. so they cant hear..
-->soo much good food
ice cream.. brown sugar/oatmeal.. leftovers..
--> being away from him.. and close to tuscaloosa and i want to go so bad.. but i also know it could easily lead to bad things.. hard situations to get out of..

and my parents cant help me out with money
and i dont think my grandparents are going to...

and i got a job offer on sunday.. to waitress at a pizza restaurant.. in Sunset Beach..
which i could take but i dont know how long we will be here..

OR i could go to tuscaloosa sunday.. camping down in Moundville.. gather up some friends who want to get away from A-Day
and then Sunday is Earthfest.. i LOVE that day.. playing on the Quad all day.. bubbles.. face painting.. kids.. families.. bands.. music.. old friends.. sun.. etc.