Saturday, March 21, 2009

pestering parents... creepy custom agents..

I love pestering my mom and dad...
i walk beside them or sit beside them and ask them the stupidest questions i can think of..
"What if my baby was bald?"
"What if my baby grew up to be a drug dealer?"
"What if my baby had one green and one red eye?"
"What if i moved into a commune?"
"What if i worked at a weed farm.. like in the movie Humbolt County?"
"What if they put REAL coke in the DIET coke cans..?"
"What if we were about to crash on the airplane.. who would you call first?"
"What if i pierced my nose?"
"What if i pierced my nipple?"
"What if i moved in with the natives in the Amazon?"
"What if i got married.. how much are you willing to sacrifice for my wedding?"
"What if i came home with blue and red hair?"
"What if the airplanes tire went flat while we were in the air?"
"what shape of chocolate tastes the besT?"
"Does Canada have a separate dictionary than the US?"

and then
i thought of my own questions

"What if...
-> you could create your own dictionary?
would you change hte meanings of words? create your own?
-> you could open up your own restauruant?
what kind of food would you have?
would there be couches? stiff chairs? ruffly seat cushions? candles? florescent lights? stop lights? street signs? celebrity pictures? fish tanks? statues? a wall of empty liqueur bottles? pictures on the menus? JUST the names of the dish or a description under the name? kids menue? coloring sheets? jukebox? a clown wandering around offering free balloon animals? live music? an open kitchen so people could see their food being made?
i could go on with ponderings...

I also cheat on sudoku.

going thru customs my brother got sent to immigration.
maybe it was his social awkwardness (which he can't help.. poor thing)
maybe it was his long hair that he constantly swishes back with the quick turn of his head
maybe it was that he had no idea of when he was flying back to the US
either way
he was pulled over
those poeple know a LOT more about you than they let on
when Greg told them his name.. they asked him if hed been to Newfoundland before.,. he admited that he used to live here
the customs guy nodded his head, "Seaside Drive, eh? Stephenville.. dats a nice little town der"
he knew the road we lived on
and Greg never mentioned anything of the sort

My uncle was driving through the border once to visit us up in Newfoundland.
They asked him where he was going
he replied that he was going to visit his brother in Canada.
the customs agent asked for a name
my uncle gave him my dads name
the customs guy.. "Oh! Da mill manager eh? I bet hes got a nice place up der with LOOOOTSSSA friends."

they know A LOT
they WANT to catch you in a lie

i also like the feeling of hunger way too much
it feels like i am losing weight
just sitting there
letting my tummy churn... gurgle.. eat itself alive
but i cant keep it up for long until i make myself eat something
and then i become ravenous
dont try it at home