Saturday, March 21, 2009

Day 2 (St. John's)

We all woke up around noon
due to the fact we didn't get to sleep until around 4 am.
the snow had piled up outside

we walked down to Tim Hortons hoping for our usual amazing donuts (granted.. i hate donuts.. i just wanted a cappuccino-half french vanilla half english toffee)
the looks on the peoples faces behind the counters here
is blank.. dull.. unfriendly.. blah
kinda sad
the first Tim Hortons did not have Greg's Maple Dip donuts (the only ones he will EVER eat)
and the ones we got were dry and dull (or so my parents said.. i chickened out on everything-not even cappuccino)
so my dad hiked down 4 more blocks to the other one to get his beloved son his donuts
when he arrived back at the hotel he realized they were the wrong donuts
Greg REFUSED to eat them
so my dad went outside.. scraped down the ice and snow from the car.. drove down to the Tim Hortons and explained the situation and she took the box from him,.. threw it in the garbage and literally threw down the new donuts on the bottom of the new box...

I got back and changed into socks and boots rather than flip flops
we spent the rest of the day catering to Greg..
grocery store for drinks and snacks for the week
eyeglass store to fix his glasses
liqueor store (for my parents and I got Baileys for my cocoa)
Mexican food (so he could eat before he met up with his friends for the night)

I am terrified i wont meet up with anyone..
that they wont follow through... that they just said they would love to get together.. but really they could care less
i dont want that
i dont want to be an obligation or forgotten or not wanted

We spent the evening at O'Reilly pub.. my dad and mom and i
they drank 3 rounds of large beers.. (after having 1 at the hotel and a couple shots of my Baileys)
so they were quite drunk
I LOVED the irish band playing
but was lonely for some company
mostly for HIM
i didn't drink.. except water.. wasn't in the mood..
and on the walk home.. wow..
i was falling over.. cracking up..
it was -3 C out.. with sleet and hail and 15 mph wind and we were walking against it
and my mom was cussing my dad out
"Whose fucking idea was this anyway?" "Why did i marry you?" "Im sleeping in the bathtub tonight" "this is worse than fucking anything ive ever done"
while my dad was running in front of her
"look im blocking the wind!"
or jumping into little alcoves
"its warmer here! come on!"
and then i couldn't stop laughing and falling over because the snow was over my boots and the hail hurt my face to look up
interesting night
i was soaked and cold and changed into sweats and wrapped myself in a blanket

and sat at the computer passing time as i did all of my free time today
that he would come online
i cannot stop thinking of him
and what he would think of this or that or the place we drove by or the name of that restaurant or whatnot
my parents are nervous he can't provide for me finically
i explain to them that the economy sucks and we are BOTH out of a job... but hes got prospects..
and i love him
and he loves me and is good to me
and that is enough