Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Last night in St Johns

Last night was a good night.. a simple end to the trip..
I got ahold of my old curling friend, Lynsey who I knew was a fun, not too crazy friend. Meaning I wouldn’t be out all night.
We met at the vegeatrian restauruant, The Sprout.

Back Up.
I went with my parents to a local irish pub, Shamrock City. I was super hungry and contrary… wanting to go home and not having eaten all day except like 20 suckie candies.
There was live music! ☺ A flute, guitar, 2 fund irish drums and scottish pipes.
Beautiful irish music.

Anyway, we ate dinner.. Lynsey and I.. getting caught up on the past 7 years.. me getting more and more energized.. she invited me back to her place to visit with some friends before going out to a bar.
On our walk back to the car
The MOST AMAZING thing happened
We ran into Karis!
He was one I was trying to get ahold of but I couldn’t get his number, though he posted on myy Facebook wall that he would love to hang out. (though didn’t make much of an effort)
He used to be sooo cute and like a little child.. now he’s older, gayer, taller,… a model.. so all 3 of us stood on that street corner talking and catching up and laughing.. though mostly it was Karis and I talking while Lynsey hung back..
“Your JUST like I remember!”.. “You always made me laugh soo much!”…. “Your so cute!”… “I wish wd could hang out!!”… “You must be a writer, just by the way you see the world and describe it in so much detail.”…
and all so genuine.

Lynseys frineds were fun.. typical.. loud bunhc of girls around a table chit chatting until we went out to the bars.
I had her drop me off before the bars because it was already 11 and I knew I had to get up at 5:30.

Now im on the plane
And there are 2 girls behind me who have never been on a plane before
I cant even remember the first time I was on a plane.
I still love take off and landing.. the intesnity.. the shudering of the entire thing.. the shkay touchdown.. the force of being lifted into the air or sucked back down.. watching the earth come to me.. or leave me.. growing smaller or larger depending on landing or take off..
I just hate customs
I hate security.
I understand how it is needed, but they are so scrutinizing.

I wish there was like 100 more episodes of Tim nad Eric
Because I ran out of new ones.
And I miss it already
Though it is a show I can watch like a million times over
And laugh just as hard each time

WHERE’S MY CHIPPY?? … chipchipchipchipchip…. Theres my chippy..

And I am still dissapointed
That I didn’t lose as I was gone
Because I thought it would be so easy
But no
I cant do it anymore

Usually plane food is nasty but today they had mini bagel chips.
I ate mine and my dads because I was sooo hungry.

Im still trying to be okay with it