Sunday, February 1, 2009

the night of it all

6 times in 24 hours..
you know what im talking about


is beautiful
quite so
though i hate it
because i got lost for sooo long
and it was after driving 5 hours
after not sleeping much the night before
due to bad dreams and perhaps canoodling
and knowing what i would have to face here

mom cried
mom rambled about Kyle
about Greg
drank a lot
all the while my dad looked at me with those eyes
as if he were trying to get me to know that they both loved me too.. its just the boys werent there.. so they were the topic of conversation
particularly Kyle
dad played music
brought out shots of Baileys in wine glasses a couple times
jibbered and jabbered about random things that made me laugh out loud
we played the music Kyle made
ate his favorite cake (Red Velvet) even though i really really dont like it.. i attempted it anyway (the frosting)

i told them about JP.. gave them bits and pieces.. my dad rambled on.. asking if his dad owned JP Morgan and if he did he should buy a hut in the Catskills and my dad would let me live with him.

my parents also got a 2 bedroom place
the 2nd bedroom with 2 twin beds
just in case i brought "a visitor"
cuz i had warned them

i am really glad that i went last night.
i needed that
i needed to not be with my family.
i needed to be held and to feel loved and special
and i got that
and my parents understand

when we alked on the beach we followed dolphins that were literally 6 feet from the gently rolling waves of the shore.. soo close...
pictures coming soon..