Monday, February 23, 2009

KAYAK!! :) :) :)


I went out for the first time in my life..
walked down to the peir in the community where my parents live.. free access to the waters, canoes and kayaks..
took my time figuring out the lock.. how to get the kayak out of the locks.. dragging it (tho not REALLY dragging it because iwas afraid to break it) to the end of the peir and putting it in the water.. getting in without tipping.. realizing i left my ipod and headphones on the dock... got back out somehow.. put it away.. got back in.. realized i didnt lock everything back up.. got out.. did it.. got back in.. realized i didnt have a lifejacket... got out.. unlocked it again.. got one.. locked it back up.. got back in.. realized i didnt have the paddle..
i finally made it out.. it was rough at first.. no idea HOW to use the thing.. i had my experience with canoes.. but not with kayaks..
but i got roaring.. down the river.. nearing sunset.. looking out at the naked trees.. Spanish moss.. logs sticking out of the water.. i sat out there a bit.. cried some more.. decided it was getting dark.. headed back.. realized i was going AGAINST the wind AND Against the tide.. finally made it back around the island.. couldnt find the dock in the dark.. but finally made it.. after 2 phone calls from my mom
"Hello! where are you? This is your mom.. being a mom.. its time to come home.. its dark.."

so lovely to be surrounded by water.. hearing it lap up against the side of the kayak.. i really didnt want to come back in

and now i have blisters on my thumbs..