Wednesday, January 14, 2009

DITCHED! and German baby..

hes workin til sundy
the day i leave
it SUCKS to fall for someone who doesnt care about you
sometimes he says he does.. but he doesnt really prove it much

I got baby love from little orlando :)
It is fun to babysit and play iwth him~
hes nearly 2 and speaks German.. so there i am.. feeding him while hes looking at books pointing to different things and saying something.. And i cant tell if it is German or baby babble. .so I get out the german-english dictionary and try to figure out what is going on.. then i look up "what" and say taht a lot.. and "yes" and "no" and "good" and "sleep" and "play"
A rather absurd picture tho.. a babyistter desperately looking to communicate with this baby that barely speaks at all and is a mix between German and baby babble...
he gives the best hugs tho :)
at least he loves me.. And Carina (the mommmy)

I was feeling like shit yesterday.. so i went out.. got a hair cut.. put on a little short dress, thigh high socks and heels.. met up with a friend i hadnt seen in a couple years and we ended up talking for a good hour while he was supposed to be working.. EArthFare.. and then I left. . talked to another friend and HE invited me to the EarthFare party for EarthFare workers.. and i met up with my other friend there..
as the drinks kept coming i kept getting worse at Darts.. and forgetting i had on my short dress.. teasing (i guess) the boys behind me as i fumbled around to pick up the dart that fell and STUCK in the ground.. or that went high up on the mantle..
Last night was fun :)

Tonight is not :(
WHAT A BLOW.. to come home after babysitting only to find out the person you;d been waiting for you wont see until the DAY YOU HAVE TO LEAVE.
so i drank
drank the b roth from 2 cupOnoodles and rumemd it up
and cried
and wished i didnt drink so i could go out to Asheville to show people what im made of..