Saturday, December 20, 2008

Night out..

What a beautiful city..
slipping and sliding all the way to thebars..
LOUD music..
STRONG drinks..
Karl's friends came to meet us..
one was a screen writer.. who owns a HUGE house and has all kinds of stuff that you need.. any and all.. hot tub.. crazy fun parties.. on the water..
i told him about couch surfing. and he got inspired and started texting himself ideas and stories and mementos from our conversation so hed remember better tomorrow.. he had long hair and a long coat and drove a new Range Rover with his pipe right neXt to him..
i also met up with 2 other fellow couchsurfers..we 3 agreed that the bar was mch too loud, crowded and not all that exciting.. they moved on.. i stayed back.. tho i may play with them tomorrow

there supposed to be a crazy storm here tomorrow.. strong winds.. cold.. 4-6 inches of snow..something like that. i dont remember the exact numbers since numbers jumble after a night like this

i dont know
being here inspired me... makes me want to live here again.. sooo soo bad..
i just wish this stupid job werent part time and instead were full time.. with benefits.. then i would feel better about moving so far away..
its so pretty. so pure. so fresh. oceany. green. beautiful.

i just want a bar that has board games to play while you drink.
that would be just perfect

or just someone to experience all of this with me
i wanted to call a couple people tonight.. soo bad... but i remembered just in time of the 3 hour time difference and decided i didnt want to wake them at 2 or 3 in the morning..

ahhh oh wel..