Friday, December 19, 2008

Fremont.. Seatle.. Cooooooool Uncle..

weeee O weeee
staying wit my uncle... in the beautiful Fremont.. "Center of the Universe"
seriously.. there is a sign here that says so..

I managed to get here after fun on the buses.. getting from Tacoma to Fremont.. only $3.00.. but had to stand out in the cold snowy with flip flops on.. there was a brawl in the back of the bus from 2 black ladies fighting over space for their purse.. they were kicked off the bus with bloody noses

Karl and his friend and i kicked it all afternoon.. splitting a bottle of wine.. chatting.. laughing.. soon to be going out to the bars.. hearing his stories about his travels.. hes got $$ and hes not afraid to use it.. Argentina.. Switzerland.. Rio DeJenaro.. Thailand.. Veitnam.. etc.

being here.. hearing about people talk about different places here in Washington.. makes me want to move here even more.. the crisp clean coldness.. the hazyness from the rain.. everyone bundled up with coffee in their hands with somewhere to go.. the people running around talking to themselves and the sky.. millions of coffee shops..
but Fremont..
Fremont is THE PLACE to be..
oi loves it here

buses are fun places to see people.. sometimes i talk to them.. sometimes i just dream in my head where hey came from.. where they are going.. make up stories in my head.. watching the couple with the girls head cradled in the mans shoulder with him occasionally kissing her on the forehead.. the old bag lady who occasionally pursed her lips and made that funny noise while rubbing her wig back and forth on her head.. the mother with her little son half curled up on her lap, their arms and fingers intertwined..

so interesting to see it all happen..

makes me wonder what people think when they see me..

off to get ready to go out with my uncle :)