Friday, November 28, 2008


So when i went to the library the other day i picked p some random interesting reads.. plus a couple videos.. One of the videos:
Great Festivals
It goes through the year with different festivals from around the world.
Some.. I REALLY REALLY want to experience...
Others.. left me quite disturbed...
There was a section: Festivals of Penance
that left me cringing in unbelief.. shock..
WooooW... the things some people go through.. put themselves through.. WILLINGLY>>>

Gilget, PAkistan
Annual Ashura Festival
commemorate the death of Hussein.. his death marks the end of the holy blood line and 40 days of mourning ensues.. Among other things, the men expressed their grief and sadness of his death by attaching a small sharpened blade to a chain and whipping it back and forth until they are exhausted... VERY disturbing to watch.. even on video.. hundreds of men slashing themselves willingly.. bloody backs..

San Fernando, Philippines
Every year on Good Friday, the people of san Fernando re-enact the crucification of Jesus Christ.. with REAL people.. enduring pain as a form of penance.. they carry the cross all the way across town.. an excruciatingly slow and painful walk lasting to mid afternoon.. then the man is nailed to the cross.. and it is raised.. for 3 to 5 minutes.. 3 at a time.. so the huge crosses are raised and lowered many times throughout the afternoon to accommodate all that want to be crucified..

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
This festival was banned in India, actually.. The devoted Hindus attach heavy metal frames to their bodies using hooks.. with that, they support and carry heavy structures, statues and kavatis (heavy frames elaborately decorated with beads and peacock feathers) around the city.. they use those huge needles to pierce all the way through their lips and chins.. they also bring offerings to the shrine, asking for a blessing..

Running of the Bulls---NoT for Penance necessarily.. but still made me crings and shudder.. i couldn't watch that little section.. im sure it is beautiful to those who participate.. the rush of being chased and trampled by bulls and other frantic people.. i dont know.. NOT for me...

Other.. more FUN ones.. the ones I WAnT to visit.. see.. experience..

Burning Man
What can be more fun than a weeklong gathering of over 40,000 people in the middle of the desert, in the middle of sand storms, intense heat, miles from any city to party hard and burn a giant neon lighted man structure.. Such a fun, radical place.. lots of self expression going on.. lots of wackiness.. whimsicalness.. bordering on creepy.. free expression and free spirits.. elaborate costumes.. lots of drugs.. bugs in ice being sold (nothing can technically be sold except ice and expresso...

Rio De Janeiro
Need i elaborate? no holding back.. good times.. colorful costumes.. lights.. late into the night.. party up..

There needn't be any particular festival to get me to head out that way... Its small enough to get a real feel for what Amsterdam is like.. not spread out and elaborate like most capital cities.. Van Gogh Museum.. Anne Franks house.. very open, liberal, gay friendly... The :"Coffee shops" and "Smartshops" (only if you are of age) and THAT is where you can feel free to ask questions and buy-NOT from the street lurkers.. they are easily found by the giant green leafs on the outside or their rasta-type names.. Though.. something i DIDNT know. drugs really ARE illegal there.. a lot of the cops just turn a blind eye.. the use is a lot more tolerated over there..

Bangkok, Thailand
(and Phuket.. Koh Phi Phi-one of the best beaches on EARTH..and other places too)
exotic, vibrantly colorful dress with elaborate patterns... spicy smells permeating the air mixing in with the powerful stench of sweat and smoke incense... elephants.. beautiful pristine beaches.. friendly strangers coming to talk to you... stray dogs and cats roaming the streets..

more to come... :)
I continue to explore travel spots.. festivals.. etc.
but right now i need some cocoa..