Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Some fun animals for you~!:)

As you may or may not know.. I am VERY curious..
AND i love animals.. they fascinate me..
so i have collected a few interesting ones here for your pleasure and entertainment and future knowledge.. .

....Malaysian Ants...
These creepy little crawlies have an interesting way of expressing their fear. When they feel threatened, they internally combust and their bodies explode. They have glands on either side of their body and when they contract their abs, the poison is sprayed out as they explode...

.... Horned Lizard ....
Such a cute little guy~!:) Though.. once again,.. has an interesting way of defending itself.. When he feels threatened, he pressures his own sinus cavities so much that the blood vessels in his eyes burst. Therefore, when he is scared, he sprays his potential attacker with blood from his eyes... up to 1/3 of its blood!! FROM HIS EYES!!

.... Kakapo ....
Quite a strange parrot... Hes short, squat, pudgy.. Hes nocturnal.. He NEVER flies and instead prefers to hike around the forst floor for miles each night... Hes the heaviest parrot, at 8 lbs... Sadly though, there are only about 62 left on earth and they all reside in New Zealand.

.... Spring Hare...
Sooo bizarre! It has been classified with jumping rodents ("jerboas"), squirrels and porcupines... Now it has its own classification.. It looks kind of like a kangaroo and a hare.. short tiny limbs with claws for digging.. ear flaps that are flexible to seal off the ear cannal to protect from sand.. he can jump 20-30 feet using his tail for balance (like a kangaroo)

.. SLOTHS!! ,,.
MY FAVORITE EVER~ awww..soo cute.. member of the edentate family (along with anteaters and armadillos)... hang upside down for most of their lives.. they have over 600 species of bacteria and plants living and growing off them at any iven time and the sloth will often eat them off if he is hungry... mothers give birth to their babies upside down.. they only come down form the tree once a week-and its only to take a pooh-then they ascend back up the tree... on ground, the fastest they can "crawl" is 1.2 miles per hour-reaching forward, digging their claws into the ground and then pulling themselves forward, dragging their bellies on the rainforest floor... it takes them 3 days to reproduce (have sex)... they can turn their head 270 degrees... apparently there is also evidence that sloths like beer and have been seen in the trees near 7/11s and other "watering holes" .. since they hang upside down so much, their internal organs are arranged differently than most animals..