Tuesday, October 7, 2008

RIP Alexander Supertramp...

I love the journeys books can take you on.. relief from reality.. where you can see in your head what you wan to see.. let hte words create worlds in your mind.
I saw the book tossed upside down and messed at the library, but remember all the things i heard about it..
I own the movie.. have owned the movie for awhile, but had never seen it.. it just sat there waiting for the time..

I finally read it.. today.. ALL in one sitting.. couldn't set it down..
the things Carine said about her brother.. how devastated she was when she found news that her brother was found dead, a frozen carcass on a bus way out in Alaska wilderness.
i became infatuated with his life.. his thoughts.. how he viewed the world..
makes me want to do something similar..
makes me wonder.. when i die.. if they were to write a book about me.. who would contribute? what would they have to say? how would they explain my actions? my life? my world? my thoughtS?

Into the Wild.
watch it
read it
love it
live for Alexander Supertramp.
RIP Alexander Supertramp.

Alexander Supertramp.. i wish i could have met you... and... just to let you know... you are hott.. so smart.. so inspiring.. so passionate.. so insightful.. knows what he wants.. what he believes in-with such intense passion.. id be with you.. id do you..

i think of you both tonight.. and for many nights to come
and Kyo
i only wish that we could have had the heart to heart i always wanted.. the relationship i see and hear from other brother-sisters.. i wanted so badly for him to be proud.. for him to protect me.. for him to joke with me..
he is the one i compare to.. when i see brother and sisters.. whether it be in movies,.. in books.. in real life.. i compare their interactions.. their closeness.. their compatibility to Kyo and I.. not greg.. as much as i love greg and look up to him and am proud of him.. it is Kyo i tend to come back to..

also.. still no call from him.. i cannot even have the satisfaction of ignoring him.. of making him wonder whats wrong..