Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Update.. THE KIDS!

I got a new tattoo today :)
Im quite excited :)
A tribute to my honey.. honey! delicious syrupy sweet liquid that i drizzle on everything...

The new kids came yesterday! I LOVE them all!
we now have 7 kids..
There are two 14 year olds.. that bond well together.. talking nonsensicalness about Natuiro and Gemstones and other sci fi type things.. very good natured and respectful of what we say.. always on the ball and does what is needed whether we tell them or not.
There are two 16 year olds.
one is a punker.. skater.. somewhat keeps to himself.. but when you get him talking, he has a LOT to say and is so amazing.. he says that when he skates.. it is the only time htat he feels like himself. he is my bright shining star!
One is a comedian.. he has videos on youtube and was acutaly on stage a few times.. Quite a crack up.. knows all about hip hop and all kinds of music. I played Ace Of Base and he knew the exact date that it came out. He also is reading a book, "The complete handbook on how to pick up women"
There are two 15 year olds... about the same level of functioning (in regards to their Asperger's)
One prefers to be called Homer. he is very very smiley.. constantly asking assurance... making sure that we are still his "best buddies".. :) another gem of mine
The other one is quite another story. One of the first things he said to me was, "Sometimes, during class, i feel the need to masturbate. I need my privacy." He has since shown us how he does it (with a chair.. it has to be a chair, not the wall, not a bench, but a chair) and refuses to go into the dining hall due to his extremely sensitive nose..... though i feel happy when i get him to smile. We struck up a deal. I wanted him to play a game of cards with me.. He thought a minute, then replied "Okay Penny. I will play cards with you under one condition.. if you teach me how to whistle." Soooooo cute :)
We got our other one we got last night.. so i havent gotten much of a chance to bond with him, though he seems like a firecracker.. joking around.. calling me "weirdo/crazy/wired/hyper" all with an amused smile on his face.. Which just gets me more excited/hyper, "Well you're gonna have to live with me the WHOLE semester and you are going to learn to love me!"
Ha! :)
It was hard to leave them for my day off.. knowing that i would miss a crutial day in their transition here...

my co-staff :(
he is on the COMPLETE opposite shift as me
He lives RIGHT NEXT door to me, though i will NEVER see him during this whole semsester.. we spent a LOT of time together during the last couple weeks.. plus a few times over the summer..
and now
i will never see him..
no more time togeether
I am close to heart broken.
I get lonely WAY too easy.
I need poeple here.. though i dont want to have to rely on people for happiness.. i am responsible for my own happiness... though i tend to disinigrate when i do not get the attention.hugs.hold that i need..


Moohead said...


even though i'm not at tali anymore, i'm always there for you spiritually! also... I DEMAND TATTOO PICS!

UnicornPrincess said...

good luck this semester!! it will be a blast :) :)
