Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day 2!

The kids are still a delight
It was a whirlwind yesterday.. I got to go to classes with them.. laugh at their funny little quips they threw in.. console a couple who nealry blew up but were able to take a time out before they said/did anything they regretted..
I stepped on a bee.. IT HURT!! :( My toe filled up with juice of pain.. One of the kids jumped to attention, showing off his vast knowledge of plants and ran outside to retrieve a plant that was supposed to stop swelling after a bee sting.... it did not stop the pain :(
Afternoon activity was Water Balloons.. one big crazy wet mess.. controlled chaos.. trying to fill up the balloons, and NOT pop them before time to throw them.. though a few of the kids tossed them or popped htem anyway. One kid, being SUCH a jokester pretended to pee out the door and one of the other staff saw it and flipped out. HA! :)
After dinner, we had email time.. only 2 o the 7 kids were able to use computers at the same time. Soo... the rest of us piled on the couch outside on the porch and one of the boys strummed on the guitar.. doing his best to take requests from some of the lower functioning boys.. AND
was our sing alongs :)
We were all out there, belting out "Hey Jude"... "Fly me to the moon".. "L is for the way oyu loooook at me... O is for the only ONEEEE i seeee.."..... and a couple others.. we all ended up in a pile of giggles.
We also had gummi bear trivia. which was a hit. :) some of the spicier questions were rewarded with AirHeads or Tootsie Roll Pops.
I was sad though, I was told that I had to spend the night at the girls cabin because their staff was leaving that night. I didnt want to leave my boyS!!! But i did as i was told. and my heart glowed with happiness.. I told the boys just before evening group and they all protested asking why it had to be me. .. THEY REALLY DO LIKE ME!! :)
I do take the time each day to take each of them aside,put on my sober/calm/counselor face and remind them that i CAN be chill when i need to be.. asking them if they are okay.. checking in with them.. bonding.. building that repor (sp?) that is needed.
Tomorrow morning at 9
I leave
this time for 5 days


Anonymous said...

it's 'Rapport'!

yay you!