Sunday, August 10, 2008

"Why food is good for you" poem.. .and quotes...


During one of our treatment center nutrition "classes" we had to do a little write up on food and why there are NO "good" or "Bad" foods.... soooooooooo i wrote a poem!!


Don't think of food as good or bad
Think of only what makes you Glad

Everything can be proven healthy
When it comes to reasons, I've got plenty

Pizza has carbs to help you move
And protein so you can get out and groove

Coleslaw has carrots for your eyes
So they will not tell you lies

Endorphins fly when you eat
Chocolate as a nummy treat

Although in Oreos, fat can be found
It keeps your brain from bouncing around

Ice cream has calcium for your bones
So dig into those yummy cones

Low fat ice creams light and airy
Ben & Jerry's sure is scary

But boy does it taste nummy
And you'll need less to fill your tummy

In moderation everything is good
So stop focusing on the should

WONDERFUL QUOTES that got me by...

*Let your imagination soar-For it is your souls blueprint for success
**One can never change the past-only the hold it has on you
*Ships in Harbor are safe-but thats not what ships are built for *John Shedd
**The best way out is through *Helen Keller
*I never failed! I discovered 200 ways NOT to do something
**The ark was built by amateurs, the Titanic by experts-Don't wait for experts
*Never let the fear of striking out get in your way *Babe Ruth
**Success isn't measured by the position you reach in life, but by the obstacles you overcome
*Each friend represents a world in us-A world possibly not born until they arrive ant it is only by meeting that a new world is born
**Getting angry can sometimes be like leaping into a wonderfully responsive sports car, gunning the motor, taking off at high speed only to realize that the brakes are out of order...
*Problems are only opportunities in work clothes

That confusion created when the mind must override the body's basic desire to choke the living crap out of some idiot who desperately needs it