Sunday, August 10, 2008

..Staff partAyyyyyyyyy!

Last night..
Ohhhhhhh wow
The first time ever that i had to be assisted to my bed...
I was sad and lonely so i got a head start on some wine.. then went down to the staff dinner banguet where some "juice" was made..
In little or no time i was pretty much gone..
Racing back and forth between the Pond (to catch newts and fish) and then to the fire (the flames were intoxicating) I began to beat the fire with random sticks to release the fire fairies..
I refused to take off my sunglasses so i kept running up to poeple asking who they were and where my cup went to...
Emily had to put me in time out at least 5 times.. and restrained me a couple times too!
I loved that feeling of grand silliness...
I also broke out my hookah at some point and that pretty much capped off my night.. it put me in a state where i was only barely in reality.. peaceful fuzziness..

And 2 nights ago.. we went to Patrons.. the Mexican restraunt.. I had a few margaritas.. made new friends at the bar until Quinn came over to let me know that we were leaving..
When we got back to camp- i heard the music so i danced.. which comes naturally to someone wearing GoGo boots who has had a bit to drink..
I was up there for a good hour or so.. and then ran around practicing my therapeutic restraints which always ended up in me being held down on the floor..
Lots of goood times at camp tally...
More stories to come..
For now.. i leave you with these pictures
(yes.. we took the short bus to a Mexican restaurant)