Monday, August 4, 2008

Camp memories...

I crave the curly french fries.. seasoned just right... toasty-NOT soggy.. just the right amount of spice...

Hannah Flannagins here.. the Irish Pub.. is our frequent hangout now...
The waiters all know when i walk in "HEY! Its the Blue Hawaiin girl!!"
Apparantly.. there were a couple nights that i was not allowed to drink anymore...
I was NOT aware...

Bidis and Blue Hawaiins..
Adam and Dean and Matthew and Wyn
Salem and Thomas and STS9
Baxter and Fought and Molly and late nights in the room-chillaxin with juice..
Running around with a plate of leftover French Toast sticks-handing them out to the hungry children who have already had 4 or 5 already...
Being bombarded with hugs and shouts of delight everywhere i go..
coming back from my days off only to find my art room in shambles with dirt and lanyard scraps all over the floor and things shoved all over on the shelves with paint out that was not washed and is now CRUSTED on the brush and container..
Many times starting to write notes to my fellow staff on how to appropriately clean up the art room after they are done, but giving up halfway through because i couldnt be mean..
Serving food on the line... occasionally tossing instead of serving..
walking down to South Carolina to destress and unwind and process with my fellow co-staff (smoke break)...
being kidnapped by fellow staff to take me out for the night...
spending the night at J.P.s drinking straight out of the bottle until i couldnt see straight...
Convincing the campers to go down the waterfalll... finally sick of talking them into it, i went for it.. and they followed quickly after...
warm fuzzies that are now hanging up on my wall to make me feel specail on those down days...
i could go on and on...
this summer has been amazing..
i am SOOO coming back again next summer..