Saturday, May 3, 2008

:] Just what i needed..

Ok scratch that last post.
No more saddies :]
I WENT to that Beetles party and rOCkEd out!!
Thennnnnnnnnn my new friend saved me.. I had the most wonderful time at this new party i went to... very laid back.. fun.. REAL people.. yea sure they were drinking.. but not CRAZY drunk by any means. We had the fire roasting in the back.. jams floating all around.. the sky was slightly lit up in an eerie blue-grey color that is not usually seen at 3 in the morning..
I stayed there
I stayed there ALL NIGHT...
until 9:30 am really.
From about 4 until 9:30 it was simply Kevin and Daniel and I just blabbering around.. moving from the bed to the couch .. watching tv.. talking.. trying to sleep.. talking about pancakes .. listening to the rain splatter against the roof all night-very soothing and calming sound.. seeing the flashes of lightning light up the room like a strobe light followed by the deep roll of thunder..
soo much fun.
that is the kind of night i was looking for.
Beautiful people.. slightly a tad older.. but not much.. so they have gone through their super crazy phase.. much more down to earth and real conversations..