Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Wayra Urku

These are NOT my pictures.. :( I had to search these down on the interweb.. but i wanted to share with you the animals that were at Wayra Urku..

---All of the animals have been rescued from restaurants and homes.. many have never seen thier own kind before... Before we release them into the wild, we make sure they are ready.. each animal has its own set of requirements before we release them.

Every morning at 8 am, we clean their cages.. scrape the surfaces, wet them down, wipe them again.. clean the water bowl.. scrape up the pooh from the bottom of the enclosure (mud).. and then set out food for them to eat.
We have a small break from 10 until 11 and then work again until 1.. lunch break until 3 and then work again until 5.
--The after feeding jobs range between repairing cages, creating new ones, fixing the pathways, hauling up sand bags, hollowing out bamboo, or.. at one time.. making a bong...

Capuchin Monkeys.. they used to be pets.. so we have them and are helping them get used to the wild again... Except for Sam and Little Fucker.. they are beyond that.. they cannot go back to the wild... :(

Nocturnal Kingajoo.. He looks soo cute.. until he jumps at you.. hissing and spittleing..

My favorite! THE MARGAY!! Such beautiful, enchanting eyes...

Wooly Monkey!! ours is named Johnny... or Wobbly Monkey.

Pecaries! Stinky bad evil little wild hogs... snarling... snorting.. but they had an amazing little enclosure..